Russkaya Mysl. Magazine. September 2015. #65/9 (4936), pp. 48-53. The Center of Gravity. Elena Titarenko.
Tatler Home 2014. Magazine. April #4 (68) 2014, p. 41.
Dialogue of Arts. Magazine #2 2013, pp. 40-43. Twenty Years Later. Sergey Orlov.
Sobraniye Magazine. #2, pp. 56-59.
Itogi Magazine. #49 (860), 3 December, p. 20.
Young Artist Magazine. #3, 2011, pp. 2-3, N. Ivanov.
Mezzanine Magazine. #127, pp. 49, 50, 51, 53.
Stolichnaya Newspaper. #150.
Once with Alisa Danshokh. Literaturnaya Gazeta Publishing House. P. 45.
Newspaper Article. Culture. #30, p. 7.
Passport Magazine. p, 17.
Novaya Gazeta Newspaper. #118, p. 15.
Galerea, Fine Art Illustrated Newspaper. #9, p. 20.
Literaturnaya Newspaper. #42, p. 9.
Archi Dom Magazine. #430, pp. 66,68,70,71,73.
Savings Newspaper. #2 (89), 22 March, p. 8.
Bogolubosky Magazine. #3, p. 4.
Aeroflot Magazine. December. P. 354.
Leisure in Moscow Newspaper. #24.
The World of Painting Newspaper. #3-4.
Decorative Arts Magazine. #5, p. 100.
Tretyakov Gallery Magazine. #1, pp. 104, 106-108.
Young Artist Magazine. #12, pp. 10-13.
Horse World Magazine. #9, p. 13.
Forbes Magazine. August, p. 69.
Savoir Vivreaux Chateaux. #1, pp. 8-11.
Harper's Bazaar Magazine. December, p. 156.
Nivean Voorjaar Magazine. P. 72.
Our Heritage Magazine. #69, pp. 158-159.
All of Europe Magazine. June-July, pp. 169,171.
Design Illustrated Magazine. April, pp. 74-81.
A&F Moscow Newspaper. #45, p. 21.
Persona Magazine #1, p. 89.

Catalogue of works 2000–2011. Yelena Titarenko
Twenty Years After. 1989 – 2009. Exhibition Catalogue. William Meiland
Swan Lake. Sculpture Catalogue. Victoria Frolova

Russian Sculptors. Album. The House of Nashekin Gallery. Pp. 9, 24, 25-33.
80th Anniversary of the Moscow Union of Artists. Catalogue. Galart Publishing House. Pp. 206, 228.
Metabolia. Catalogue. 9/1 Gallery. Pp. 1, 2.
The Birth of the Image: The Shape and Color. Catalogue. MGOMZ Kolomenskoye - Izmailovo - Lefortovo - Lublino . Pp. 35, 36.
XIX-XXI Russian Art Auction. Catalogue. #7,Hermitage-Art Gallery. 22 November 2012
The Moscow Circle. Catalogue. Bourganov's House. Moscow. Pp. 18, 19.
Mikhail Dronov 2000-2011 WORKS. Catalogue.
Artist City. Salon TsDKh. Catalogue. p. 148.
Operation Smile. Catalogue. P. 16.
Unknown Model, Sculpture and Photography. Catalogue. Pp. 8, 9, 24.
Pinnacles in the Palms of the Sky. TsDKh. Catalogue. SEM Publishing House. P. 44.
Night Watch 3D. Catalogue. The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.
XX Nude. Catalogue. The House of Nashekin Gallery. Pp. 156-157, 162-163.
The World of Painting and Sculpture. Catalogue. Moscow Union of Artists. P. 56.
Operation Smile. Catalogue. P. 16.
Children of Our Yard. Catalogue. Pp. 2,4,13,15.
Sport in Art. Almanac. #256. The State Rusian Museum. Pp. 122, 130, 131, 144, 145, 147.
Salon TsDKh 2009. Catalogue. Pp. 162, 165.
Around the World with the Easel. Almanac. The State Russian Museum. #239, p. 231.
Interior Design Review. Catalogue. Andrew Martin. Pp. 207, 210, 211.
Diema's Dream. Diema's Dream Fund. P. 49.
Beeldenaanzee. Album. P. 7.
Open Art Fair. Catalogue. Onderneming & Kunst.
Step to Bronze. Almanac. #218. The State Rusian Museum. Pp. 103-129, 132.
The Power of Water. Almanac. #207. The State Russian Museum. Pp. 207, 236, 260.
Not by bread alone. Catalogue. Moscow Union of Artists. Novosti Printhouse. Pp. 20, 21.
Modern Sculpture in the Estate on Volhonka. Booklet. The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. Pp. 6-7.
80's Artists, Russian Art. Catalogue. Pp. 28-33.
Diema's Dream. Catalogue. Pp. 26,27.
250 Years of the Russian Academy of Arts. Catalogue. Pp. 742-743.
Inhabited Islands. Catalogue. Pp. 32-37.
Salon TsDKh 2006, Contemporary Art. Catalogue. Pp. 50-54.
Expression of the Spirit. Catalogue.
Mikhail Dronov. Catalogue. Pp. 215-220.
VII. Mikhail Dronov, Sergey Eylanbekov. Catalogue.
Noordiende in Beeld. Catalogue. 26 June - 4 September, pp. 24, 31, 32.
Operation Smile. Catalogue. Pp. 47, 57.
Moscow-Petersburg. Catalogue. P. 77.

Night Watch 3d Project. Mikhail Dronov and Alexander Taratynov |